Thursday, January 4, 2007

Heels' belles

Reader Corita wrote to enlighten me about the remarkable song "The Lottery" (downloadable for free from, by Emily Haines. Some of the lyrics — especially the last part about stilettos — read eerily like The Thrill of the Chaste, minus the transition into healing:

I only wanted what everyone wanted
since bras started burning up ribs in the 60's.
Favors are flying, faces are falling,
all I desire is to never be waiting.
If that’s a crime let’s commit it.
There’s a new crime, sexual suicide* ...

... It’s a lottery baby, everybody roll the dice
It’s a lottery baby, everybody roll the dice

Will we always be like little kids
running group to group asking who loves me?
Don’t know who loves me!
It’s pathetic. It’s impossible.
Like girls in stilettos,
like girls in stilettos,
like girls in stilettos trying to run.
*George Gilder's book Sexual Suicide later came out in an updated edition retitled Men and Marriage.