Friday, January 11, 2008

Latest from Eden

Just wanted to say thanks again to those readers who have been praying for me since I had a tumultuous past month.

Things are going much better now. Although I still have the thyroidectomy to look forward to on the 29th, I have some great talks lined up as well, including a January 21 apppearance in my own back yard at the Diocese of Arlington's Theology on Tap. On January 22, I'll be appearing at March for Life-related events, including Blogs for Life and a tea party for pro-life bloggers at the Catholic Information Center.

On the job front, I'm waiting on confirmation of what would be a promising opportunity. In the meantime, I have an op-ed due to appear in National Review Online and I'm very happy to report that I've been invited to pitch the online version of The American Spectator.

As for my personal life, I really love living in Washington and am especially enjoying the area's rich Catholic culture. Building close friendships takes time (especially for an introvert like me— and if you think I'm kidding, I'm not), and I miss my friends  back in the New York City area very much. Thankfully, I'm gradually getting to know people here and am finding that DCers are generous with their invitations to social events.

Tonight, for example, I am going with a new friend to the monthly faith-sharing dinner held by a Catholic couple who invite one representative apiece from Protestantism and Catholicism to take turns briefly outlining a difference between the faiths. The floor is then opened up to questions from the 100-or-so guests, mostly young adults. Tonight's discussion will be on the Protestant concept of sola scriptura contra a Catholic concept heretofore unknown to me, sola verbum Dei.