Wednesday, March 2, 2005

The Born Loser

Democratic National Committee chairman and losing presidential contender Howard Dean elucidates his and the Democratic Party's attitude towards pro-lifers:

"I want to reach out to people who are worried about values."

Dean is very worried about values. He's worried that they exist.

He goes on:

"We are going to embrace pro-life Democrats because pro-life Democrats care about kids after they're born, not just before they're born."

Ignore the timeworn canard that only Democrats care about children—that's a red herring. Read Dean's comments over and what he's really doing is repeating his party's brazen denial of the dignity of human life.

"[P]ro-life Democrats care about kids after they're born, not just before they're born," translates to, "We Democrats have no reason to care about kids before they're born."

For more about the pro-death movement's efforts to cloak itself in pro-life language, read Jill Stanek's latest column. (Thanks to Alicia of Fructus Ventris for the tip.)