Wednesday, February 5, 2025

A mega-preview of my upcoming book The Sacred Heart is now available

The Sacred Heart preview as it appears on

Today I received a most welcome surprise: Loyola Press posted a 38-page preview of my next book, The Sacred Heart: A Love for All Times. It's the largest preview that any publisher of mine has ever shared, and I am thrilled. 

Another happy bit of news is that sponsors have been reaching out to invite me to speak on The Sacred Heart. Thus far, I have Sacred Heart talks scheduled in Ohio and West Virginia, and I expect soon to schedule one in my home city of Washington, DC. Visit my Talks page for the latest tour news, and write me (dawneden at gmail) if you'd like to bring me to speak on The Sacred Heart in your city.

Monday, January 20, 2025

My next book, The Sacred Heart: A Love for All Times, now available for online preview

It was a delight to discover last week that the Amazon page for my book The Sacred Heart: A Love for All Times, coming in March from Loyola Press, now includes a generous preview. Google Books also offers a preview, though it doesn't included as many pages as the Amazon one—see below.

I am eager to give talks on the Sacred Heart, so if you'd like to bring me to speak at your bookshop, parish, or university, please write to me. My email address can be found at the end of my online press bio.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

My Father Ed biography is now available as an audiobook

The cover of the Audible edition of Father Ed

I'm thrilled to announce that, following many requests from people seeking an audio version of my biography of Father Edward Dowling, SJ, Father Ed: The Story of Bill W.'s Spiritual Sponsor, Orbis Books has released Father Ed on Audible

The reader is my longtime friend Kevin O'Brien, an actor who has recorded over one hundred audiobooks. He is from Dowling's hometown of St. Louis, which adds an air of authenticity—starting with the pronunciation of Father Ed's home neighborhood of Baden (with a long "a"). I couldn't be more pleased with this release, which gives sight-impaired people and all audiobook lovers a chance to learn how Father Ed, through his friendship with Bill W., helped shape the spirituality behind the Twelve Steps.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Tidings of great joy

Merry Christmas! I invite you to visit Matters Twomey to read about a miracle of the season that I was blessed to experience.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Lay, lady, lay down a story about a Jesuit priest and Bob Dylan

In researching my biography of Father Louis J. Twomey, SJ, I've discovered a fascinating connection between that great Southern Jesuit (who was the first Catholic ally of Martin Luther King Jr.) and Bob Dylan. I invite you to read all about it on my Substack, Matters Twomey.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Defamed by the "Global Catholic Network"

Screenshot of reporter Mark Irons's interview with me on "EWTN News In Depth"

On August 30, 2024, EWTN News reporter Mark Irons wrote me asking for an interview, which I granted. But when Irons edited the interview for airing, he added a statement that defamed me, attacking my reputation as a Catholic theologian. I have tried to get the network to run a retraction and apology, but it has refused. I also asked Bishop Steven J. Raica of the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama, where the network is located, to mediate and he refused. Please read and share my story about the defamation, published today by Where Peter Is. Thank you and God bless you.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Find me on Substack

A screenshot from
A screenshot showing the beginning of my latest Matters Twomey post

Thanks for looking for me on The Dawn Patrol! These days, although I continue to maintain a page here with news of my speaking appearances, you can find my latest news on my Substack, Matters Twomey, where I post updates on my biography-in-progress of Father Louis J. Twomey, SJ. A blessed Advent to you and yours!

Monday, October 21, 2024

Matters Twomey matters to me—and I hope it does to you too!

A screenshot of the beginning of my latest Matters Twomey post

Just a quick, happy note to say thanks to you who check in on The Dawn Patrol, and to let you know that I'm continuing to post regular updates on my work on my next book, A Priest in Good Trouble, on my Substack, Matters Twomey

Here at The Dawn Patrol, the page that is updated most frequently is the list of my upcoming (and past) speaking appearances. I continue to give talks on Father Ed: The Story of Bill W.'s Spiritual Sponsor and am eager to speak about it everywhere, and I mean everywhere. So, if you would like to host me for a talk in your part of the world, please don't hesitate to contact me at the email address at the bottom of my Biography/Contact page. Thank you and God bless you.