Thursday, December 21, 2006

Not for women only

"This is as brutally honest a book as you are ever likely to read. But Ms Eden is a wonderful writer, this book's not very long and you can probably polish it off in a day or so. But take your time. There's a lot to think about on these pages. ...

"Is the book heavy on religion? Yes. And that's kind of the point since the theme of this book is that the world's way wasn't working for Dawn Eden. Is the book mainly aimed at younger women? Yes, but men should read it too. In fact, any single person who thinks that relationships can and should be infinitely greater than a Sex in the City episode can find much here to challenge and inspire them."

— From Webster Groves (Mo.) Public Library's review of The Thrill of the Chaste: Finding Fulfillment While Keeping Your Clothes On