Monday, December 11, 2006

'The pregnancy is not the problem'

In her op-ed "Pro-Life Position on Abortion Doesn't Mean Opposing Women", Canadian writer Andrea Mrozek uses an example from her country's health-agency rules to demonstrate the misplaced priorities of the pro-choice agenda:

We regulate any number of procedures without claiming that those regulations limit human rights. Who would claim, for example, that telling a woman she can't have an abortion while under the influence of drugs is an infringement of her rights? This is the rule when an addict, 18 weeks pregnant, requests an abortion.

Women must be clean for a number of hours before the abortion. In a case in British Columbia, a woman was not able to keep clean for the requisite hours, the abortion was denied and the baby was born. The irony is had she been able to keep clean the addicted baby would have died in the womb. How would this abortion serve this woman's rights? How does the absence of one detract from them?

This is but one example of how abortion turns a blind eye to the real problems women face. In so many cases, the pregnancy is not the problem.
 [Read the whole thing.]