Monday, September 10, 2007

Quote of the day

"Yet such is the liberal elite's obsession with that old mantra 'A Woman's Right To Choose' that shockingly few resources are devoted to any of these strategies, and those institutions that promote the alternatives - such as the Catholic Church and pro-life charities - are condemned as fanatically anti-feminist.

"This is surely madness - all the more so in light of the latest figures that show how popular opinion is directly opposed to making abortion easier."

— British columnist and TV host Amanda Platell"Why I, as a feminist, abhor how the abortion law has been so abused," in the Daily Mail.

Platell is by no means a pro-lifer; she "support[s] the principle of abortion." However, she is disgusted to see abortion used as contraception, and she actively opposes a new effort to liberalize British abortion law. ("[The abortion lobby seeks] the right for terminations to be carried out by nurses, not doctors, alongside a proposal for abortions to be made available in the home [as with home births]," Platell writes.) Her op-ed includes an informative overview of the history of abortion law in the U.K., and reveals the extent to which popular opinion there has turned against late-term killings.