Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Laundry Room's Slow News Cycle

A true story in one scene.

The scene:

The laundry room in the basement of my building, 10:49 p.m. last night.

Dramatis personae:

Gray-haired woman who often reads in the room late at night, without doing laundry (she has never spoken to me before) and me.

Scene 1

Gray-haired woman [reading the Washington Post's free newspaper Express]: Is the Pope still here?

Me [taking laundry out of washer]: No, he went home.

GHW: That's what I thought. This paper says, 'City readies for pope's visit.'"

Me: It must be an old paper.

GHW: Oh. It says April 13.

Me [putting laundry into dryer] That was more than two weeks ago.

[Exit me.]
