Thursday, January 12, 2012

Why-o, why-o, why-o would I ever leave Ohio?

Just a quick note to let regular Dawn Patrol readers know that I am having a grace-filled time today at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio, having given a talk to seminarians on "Celibacy and Communion in John Paul II’s Catechesis on Human Love" as part of a three-day seminar the school is holding on celibacy. My talk tomorrow will focus on how priests and pastoral caregivers can help people who are victims of sexual abuse or who are struggling in their efforts to be chaste. I will draw from my books The Thrill of the Chaste and the upcoming My Peace I Give You: Healing Sexual Wounds with the Help of the Saints.

The Josephinum is a beautiful place, decorated with stunningly detailed tiling and woodwork crafted lovingly by German and Irish immigrants during the Depression. Even more beautiful is the faith, vigor, and joy of the seminarians. Catholic News Agency was right when it reported that the school is "undergoing a renaissance." Speaking here helps to inspire me as I continue my studies towards a doctorate, as this is the sort of institution where I would love to teach.

* * *
Once My Peace I Give You is published in April, I hope to give many more talks for victims of childhood sexual abuse and their pastoral caregivers. If you would like me to speak at your college, parish, bookstore, book club, etc., please contact me via my feedback form. I would particularly like to speak to unwed mothers and to prisoners (both being populations that include a high ratio of victims of childhood sexual abuse) and do not charge for talks to those audiences so long as my transportation and accommodations are covered.

Read more about My Peace I Give You on the Ave Maria Press website.