Monday, May 21, 2012

"The encouragement we are looking for"
Father Angelo Mary Geiger F.I. reviews My Peace I Give You

Father Angelo Mary Geiger, a Franciscan of the Immaculate, a friend whose writings on Our Lady have been a deep source of inspiration for me, has written a beautiful review of my new book My Peace I Give You: Healing Sexual Wounds with the Help of the Saints:
With her new book, Dawn has taken these ideas to the next step, as a kind of bridge between our own brokenness and the immaculate integrity of the Blessed Virgin. The saints underwent the transformation from the brokenness of original sin, the history of sin within their families and their own lives, to healing and re-creation in Christ Jesus. As Dawn points out, some of them experienced even the wound of sexual abuse, and subsequently had to struggle against great odds to live authentic spiritual lives. The stories of the saints, thus offers us who are broken the encouragement we are looking for and the powerful presence upon which we can rely.
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