Monday, July 14, 2008

Spreading the love

If there is anything cuter than American nuns getting their first taste of Vegemite, I don't know what it is.

The congregation is the Sisters of Life, and they reveal their varied opinions on the Australian delicacy on the official blog of their World Youth Day Love and Life Site.

Having volunteered for the Sisters when I lived near New York City, I am looking forward to seeing them when they host my talk on "The Magnetic Appeal of the Pro-Life Witness" in Room 12 of the Love and Life Site on Wednesday at 6:15 p.m. In the meantime, I am very excited about my first WYD talk tomorrow afternoon to Juventutem—see the organization's Web site for details.

As always, I would be very grateful if you would pray for me while I am on this tour. I cannot stress enough how much of a difference it makes for me in giving talks when I am prayed for.