Thursday, October 27, 2011

EWTN homilist revives interest in Father Daniel A. Lord S.J.

UPDATE, 10/29/11: Because so many people have found this blog looking for Father Daniel A. Lord S.J.'s article "Cancer Is My Friend," I've moved the link to that article, along with additional information about its author, to a new post: "A beginner's guide to Father Daniel A. Lord S.J."

The recent interest in Father Lord was sparked by a homily by Father Joseph Mary Wolfe MFVA that was broadcast October 27 on EWTN. Father Joseph Mary discusses Father Lord and reads "Cancer Is My Friend" at about 8 minutes 40 seconds into this clip:

I am very grateful to Father Joseph Mary for bringing Father Lord's inspiring witness to a new generation, and placing it so movingly within the light of this week's Mass readings.