Reader Bob Denham comments on an earlier post that his teen's school had a special parents' meeting about blogging. Sounds like there's a story there. I'd like to ask any parents who are reading if you could please leave a comment (click on the "Comments" box below) to answer one or both of the following questions:
1) Have your school's officials or parents' association informed you about the possible problems caused by students' blogging? What did they tell you about it, and what kind of advice did they give you on how to avoid those problems?
2) Does your child blog? If so, do you read your child's blog, and do you supervise his or her blogging? If you supervise it, how do you go about doing that?
3) If you don't mind your child's blog being read by strangers, please post the URL and describe what kind of supervision you exert over the blog, if any.
Any posts left in this thread may be quoted in my newspaper column. Although the comments software will ask for your name, e-mail, and URL, you may post anonymously if you wish—include your name just if you'd like it to appear in the paper. Thanks very much!