Saturday, July 9, 2005

Blair and Balanced

I received an e-mail last night that is remarkable for its high level of understanding and sympathy coming from someone who is a professed liberal and differs from me on hot-button issues. I was touched by it and am sharing it here with the writer's permission.

The writer and I have things in common, though I had never really thought about them until now. The bottom line is that we all deserve a second chance. I'm very thankful that I've gotten one, and I'm glad that the writer's well on his way to getting one as well. He's in my prayers now, and I hope he will be in yours too. The liberal world could use a Chuck Colson.

Dear Dawn,

I just recently heard about your experiences from a friend. Obviously, we did not know each other when I was in New York. A lot has happened in my life since those days. I am surprised, since having left for Virginia, at what New York looks like to the outside world, at times. I know, as New Yorkers, we see ourselves as a beacon of liberal progressive behavior in the darkness of an America that is backwards. Sadly, New York often seems out-of-touch with the real world concerns of the rest of America (i.e., in New York, often, free expression trumps family values, etc.).

Watching what happened to you -- assuming half of what I've read is correct -- seems like a contradictory case of liberal persecution of a person who has values and views that differ from their own. As a liberal (at least on many issues, like law and order, social services, aid to the weakest among us, etc.), I have to apologize on behalf of my brethren.

We as liberals pride ourselves on our intellectual prowess, but, I fear, at times, there is no logic to our arguments. After all, what is more logically and emotionally compassionate than the Catholic seamless garment theory that life is sacred from conception to death? What is more emotive than the power of God -- the precious and beautiful moments when He works mysteriously in our lives?

I don't agree with you on everything. I'm willing to admit that I am a bumbling bundle of contradictions. I believe in the sanctity of life, for example, although I would not like to see Roe v. Wade overturned. I have no doubt that the Bible is clear on homosexuality, but I support same-sex marriages. I'm not going to pretend that there is true logic to some of these theories -- simply a combination of logic and emotion competing with practicalism. I'm actually quite comfortable with these seemingly contradictory positions. Still, though my beliefs are strong, I don't begrudge you yours and admire the courage of convictions.

So, carry on with all of God's blessings.

You shatter a lot of stereotypes about Christians.


Jayson Blair