Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Got Bandwidth?

I'm very happy to see so many bloggers—including, most recently, Amy Welborn, The Curt Jester, Kathryn Lopez at National Review Online's The Corner, and Jill Stanek—publicizing Planned Parenthood's animated murder fantasy "A Superhero for Choice." (If you haven't seen the cartoon, it depicts Planned Parenthood's superhero blowing up nonviolent "anti-choicers.")

Planned Parenthood must be holding closed-door damage-control meetings as we speak—yesterday the cartoon disappeared from where it was featured on the Web site of the organization's Golden Gate (San Francisco Bay Area) branch.

When I last checked, "A Superhero for Choice" could still be seen on the Web site of its soundtrack's composer (you'll find the link to that site at the top of my original blog entry on the cartoon). [At the composer's request, I must add that he is only the cartoon's composer—not its producer.] However, I don't expect that link to remain functional for long, which is why I'd like to make a request:

If you've got some extra bandwidth on your Web site—and are willing to risk a nasty phone call from Planned Parenthood's lawyers—would you be willing to host "A Superhero for Choice"? If you are, I'll not only link to the cartoon on your site, but (assuming your site's family-friendly) I'll also include your site in my blogroll and write something nice about it in this here blog.

Please leave a comment or e-mail me (dawn at dawneden.com) if you're interested. More than one taker is fine—the more, the merrier. I wish I could put up the cartoon myself, but my friend who hosts this blog tells me his server charges more than most for extra bandwidth. I hope someone steps in, because more and more people are interested in seeing what Planned Parenthood's animators hath wrought.