Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's prayin' eve

For the fifth straight year, I'm very happy to keep up the Dawn Patrol tradition of ringing in the New Year by praying for readers' intentions.

If you'd like prayer this New Year's Eve, please leave your request below or e-mail me, dawneden -at- (replacing the "-at-" with an atsign). If you don't want to give your name, you can leave an anonymous comment — just put "xxxxx" where the name and e-mail should go, and I'll pray for "the person who left the comment." If you'd rather e-mail me your request but don't want to give your name, I'll likewise pray for "the person who sent the e-mail."

The comments section below is for prayer requests only, please. Thanks and may God bless you in 2008.

Thanks too to reader John Gavin S.J. for reminding me about the tradition — I'd actually forgotten!