I am celebrating Labor Day (and my upcoming 40th birthday) by taking a week off blogging. Grad school is absolutely wonderful and requires quite a bit more effort than the "real world," especially as I work to get my health back to 100%. While I reserve the right to break my own embargo, I hope to refrain from posting again until next weekend.
Many thanks again, as always, to those of you who have prayed for me. The experience I had the day I began this new stage of my life, with its sense of certainty that I was where I was supposed to be at that moment, gave me great joy. As a commenter wrote, it truly is the best feeling.
I am also beginning to feel inspired to do in-depth writing (as opposed to blogging or simple news reporting) for the first time since composing "Eve of Deconstruction: Feminism and John Paul II" some months ago. If the inspiration continues, I may extend the blogging hiatus to see how far it takes me—whether it leads to another magazine article, a book, or a paper for school. And if it only does lead to a school paper and nothing "saleable," something inside me feels that—as much as this newly full-time student could use some extra writing income—it will be more than worth it.
The most fascinating piece of writing I have read during the past month, other than assigned reading (Father Aidan Nichols O.P. rocks my world)
Together, those works, as well as the Pius X encyclical I read earlier (and now need to reread) answered many questions I had about the Immaculate Conception, opening up exciting vistas. One day, I hope to have the theological grounding to explore those vistas in my own writings. But first, I need to buy the Blackfriars Summa ...
Commenters, your civility during my absence is greatly appreciated, as always. While I will try to resist commenting myself, I will spy in from time to time to keep the peace.