Monday, September 15, 2008

Abortion survivor: 'If Barack Obama had his way, I wouldn’t be here'

Gianna Jessen, who survived an attempted saline abortion, made a compelling appearance on "Hannity and Colmes" last night to discuss Sen. Barack Obama's votes against the Illinois Born Alive Infants Protection Act.

The interview comes in the wake of Jessen's appearance in the debut TV ad by

In a straightforward and truthful manner, this ad hits Obama in his most vulnerable spot. Most Americans would be shocked if they knew the lengths to which he went to protect the livelihood of abortionists over the lives of babies outside the womb. Visit Jill Stanek's blog for updates on and the media's reaction to it. My friend Thomas Peters at American Papist is also tracking this topic and has a post with commentary on the Jessen ad.

RELATED: If you know Christians who are wrestling with their conscience over the issue of how to cast their vote, Priests for Life have an excellent guide called "Voting with a Clear Conscience," available in a Catholic version as well as an interdenominational version.

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Following this post, I am returning my focus to my graduate studies and do not plan to blog again until at least this coming weekend. Thanks to all those readers whose prayers have helped me to reach this joyful time of my life.