Got a surprise Christmas present from my old employer, the New York Daily News: It's reinstated a number of my articles to its free online archive. Among the highlights:
- "Bearing the Unbearable," a feature I wrote about a clinical psychologist who, having suffered through the pregnancy disease hyperemesis gravidarum (extreme morning sickness), helps other women who have the illness.
(As I've mentioned, helping women who have hyperemesis gravidarum is a pet cause of mine. I donate all the commissions from Amazon purchases made through The Dawn Patrol (such as purchases of my book) to, run by author Ashli Foshee McCall, who uses the funds to send copies of her book Beyond Morning Sickness to HG sufferers. Thanks to Amazon purchases made by readers of this site, dozens of women have made it through HG pregnancies with their and their babies' health intact with the help of Beyond Morning Sickness, the first and only patient's guide on a disease so little understood that doctors, tragically, often think sufferers are exaggerating. You can read testimonials from readers on the book's Amazon page.)
- My scathing op-ed on the now-defunct Jane magazine's sad attempt to pimp out a "30-year-old virgin."
- Last and least, of historical interest is a 1997 gossip item on a scoop I got during my rock-journalism days, when I was the only American reporter at an international press conference where Elton John said some not-nice things about Keith Richards.