Thursday, February 5, 2009

Legion of Christ refuses to apologize to Father Maciel's victims

Via Exlcblog:

Religion News Service reports that the Legion of Christ's spokesman in Rome said yesterday the order has no plans to apologize to any "alleged" abuse victims of its founder, Father Marcial Maciel, or offer them pastoral care. "They have surely found a way by now to receive adequate care," he said.

The RNS story continues:

Yet according to one longtime observer, Maciel’s troubled history has already provoked a crisis within the movement.

"These people are in a spiritual free-fall," said Jason Berry, one of the duo of journalists who first reported the accusations against Maciel in 1997, and the co-author of a 2004 book on the case, Vows of Silence."

"Imagine being told for all these years that the founder is a saint falsely accused by the Vatican," he said. "Imagine the sense of betrayal they must feel."

If you or anyone you know is suffering in the wake of the Legion of Christ/Regnum Christi crisis, the home page of ReGain (, a network of former LC/RC members, has a list of resources that includes many priests and religious who have made themselves available for pastoral care.

Comments closed; prayers are most needed.